
William Coleman retires as President of the Forest Hills Gardens Foundation

by FHG Foundation (posted from other sources)

The FHG Foundation Board

For nearly 20 years, Bill Coleman has been the heart and soul of the Forest Hills Gardens Foundation, formerly known as the Forest Hills Gardens Taxpayers Association. Bill has led the organization through a transition from providing lectures and information about the culture and history of The Gardens into the modern, digital age. Bill has been the driving force behind our most recent mission of preserving the history and culture of The Gardens digitally.  For many years has put on engaging and interesting lectures as well as other presentations about the history of The Gardens and foresaw the need to preserve this information for future generations. 

Bill will continue to help create the content published by the FHG Foundation and also has been named Chairman Emeritus of the organization. 
We are very grateful for the dedication, humor and the creativity that Bill has brought to the organization for these many years.

Coleman will be succeeded as President by Bruce Eaton, formerly President of the Forest Hills Gardens Corporation and formerly the Treasurer of the FHG Foundation.

The FHG Foundation Board

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